Friday, October 14, 2011

Our (not so) new home!

As some of you know, my boyfriend and I just moved into our first home together this month.
So far things have been sort of chaotic, and the adjustment is a large one- but I think we'll get through it soon. 

One main issue we're having is how to decorate said home. It's a decent sized house..but it's an older home (1972), so, parts of it are a bit more traditional/old school that could make room for potential projects..and we both have VERY different tastes in home decor.

We're still in a huge mess of unpacking, as boxes continue to linger everywhere no matter how much unpacking we do in any given day..but I'm really ready to knock the rest of it out and start making this new house of ours a home. I have so many decor ideas, just not exactly sure how to accomplish them. 

Here's some pictures of the house before we moved anything in, so you have an idea of what I'm working with here. 
Any decor ideas/suggestions are more than welcome!! 

Living Room
Taken from the kitchen, so you can only see half the room

Living room currently, again..excuse the mess! 

Family Room/Dining Room
aka: My project!

Part of the dining room, it's an awkward shape so I couldn't get the whole thing. Still have no idea if we're using his dining room set or mine, so they're both currently sitting in there. Hah.

Close up of random vintagy wallpaper in the dining room on one wall.
At first I hated it, now it's grown on me, but my artsy little pal Jennifer offered to paint over it in grey so the pattern would stick out but be a solid color. So more to come on that once we decide!

Family room 

I really want to put a white daybed w/a baby blue bed set in these bay windows and hang baby blue curtains and make it a reading nook! However, finding said daybed has been a process..

Entertainment Room & Guest Room

Entertainment room, aka Josh's room to play with. And where we're keeping our retro systems

Guest room, aka my room to decorate/play with. This is definitely the scariest/messiest of them all right I have so many damn clothes, shoes, and purses. I've always had pink or maroon rooms, so, I think I want to switch it up and do a girly light purple/pink/lime green color scheme! Not positive yet though

Another view of the guest room

Guest closet, aka my shoe closet..that still needs much work.

Wallpaper in guest bathroom- I love how girly it is!! 

My fluffy sidekick, Dakota helping me with my picture session ;)

I'd say my main complaint about the layout of this house is how small the kitchen and bathrooms are.
It's a 1900sq foot home, with this tiny kitchen and tiny bathrooms. They're doable, just wish they were a little bigger! And beyond the kitchen is the dog's room and the laundry room is behind it.
(...Yes, the dogs have their own room. Don't judge us. Haha.)

Master Bedroom

Here with our new bed/bed set. It's in desperate need of some window treatments, as you can see!


My vanity area..looking for a cute chair to put there.

Day of the move. Scary!

Anddd the backyard..which looks pretty scary right now as well!

Well, that's our humble abode PRE TLC. I'll post before/after pics as we start to get settled in and hang things up, fix things up, etc! Thanks for reading, as I know this could be quite boring to some ;)